The best.. our cup and cake!
Happy Friday! We are back on the blog promoting #sewasoftie for Mrs. Trixi of @sewasoftie! Each day of the month of July there is a fabulous teacher showing our at-home hand sewers a different adorable stuffy to sew. We are super lucky to share our day today with Julia of Old Spool Sewing! Check her out on insta at @Julia_oldspoolsewing. She made a narwhal pattern for you to make!
Make sure to head over to @sewasoftie to see all of the neat projects that are available!
So, of course we had to think of our favorite softie patterns that we would want to share with the hand sewers of the globe and of course, we had to include our signature CUP and CAKE!! These are our most famous stuffies that we have been making for the last five years that bring the big time love from all of our sewers.
Links to the tutorials:
And, I can personally attest to the fact that babies and dogs love these also!!
Have fun and please tag us with your work on insta so we can see!! @paintboxartstudio.