We are deeply saddened by the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and are putting together a tiny art show in honor of her memory and to raise money for the causes she fought for.
We are holding our second tiny art show inspired by @tinyartshow https://www.instagram.com/tinyartshow/ on instagram. You can check out photos from our first tiny art show all about our studio mascot @siggy_sue here: http://paintboxartstudio.com/siggys-tiny-art-show-2/
So, here’s the deal:

Our friends at The Frame Maker http://www.theframemaker.com/ have been kind enough to offer to make frames for each piece we receive. So, we want to keep the size uniform at 3″ x 3″ each. You can explore with any medium you’d like – acrylic, watercolor, pencil, pastel, collage, graphics, etc. We just ask that the pieces be two dimensional for framing purposes.
And of course, the piece should be inspired by the notorious RBG. It can be a portrait, a quote (we love fancy lettering!), a piece about women empowerment or anything else that she worked hard for in her lifetime.
All artwork is due to the studio by Friday, November 6th!

We will be selling all of the artwork to raise money for the Southern Poverty Law Center – an organization working hard to dismantle hate and to advance the human rights of all people. https://www.splcenter.org/
The show will be installed in front of the studio from Monday, November 16th to Friday, November 20th from 9AM to 5:30 PM for all to see! We really hope you’ll join us in creating art to honor a true American Hero.