Parents: You can take action and express support for the black community by educating your children about race and racial history in our country. It is imperative that we expose our children to black culture in everyday ways to slow the cycle of passive racism that exists in our communities.
A compelling way to teach children about black culture and history is through art. One of our fantastic teachers and artists, Maria Cruz, has created some beautiful coloring sheets for us that feature black art and culture. Our first coloring sheet features The Maya Angelou poem ‘Still I Rise’, which aims to be an anthem of hope amidst the struggle to overcome prejudice. Please use this coloring sheet as a starting point in your conversation with your kids about race and the history of racial inequality in our country. We will continue to create new sheets weekly.

Starting Wednesday, we will have a bin out front of the studio for parents to drop off coloring sheets completed by their children. We will be hanging them in our studio window for all to see. Please join us in creating these beautiful images and sending a message of support to the black community.
In the area around the Maya Angelou image, we ask that you personalize your picture. Maria suggests that you look up African Adinkra symbols and draw the ones you feel connected to in the blank part of the picture. These symbols have strong meanings and are another great educational tool for your children.

Thank you Maria for providing this beautiful art for us. #blacklivesmatter